Forms + insurance

We pride ourselves on providing quality, one hour, one on one sessions, administered by seasoned, experienced providers that are leaders in the field of physical therapy. For this reason we are out of network and do not have a contract or relationship with insurance providers.

We do submit to your out of network benefits as a courtesy and will provide additional letters, documentation, and assistance with insurance claims.

We want to provide the best care for our patients and have the freedom to do so; in order to best care for our patients we do not believe in being limited by what insurance determines to be medically necessary, despite evidence to the contrary. Insurance companies are an algorithm and often the individuals that are making these decisions may not even be physical therapists, or physical therapists with as much education or experience.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have, and are happy to help you understand your out of network benefits. Please feel free to reach out to us, and if you are unsure please feel free to make an appointment for a complimentary evaluation.

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